Thursday, 28 January 2010

The belly and the members

The members of the body rebelled against the belly one day, saying "why should we pander to your needs when you just sit there in luxury." So they decided to stop their work, however the whole body soon became lethargic and debilidated, too late they repented of their folly.
"All must work together for a common goal"

I think an animation of this one would end up being more along the lines of "this is what happens if you don't eat properly" than the intended message.

The woodman and the serpent

One winter's day on his way home from work a woodman spied a seemingly dead serpent on the ground. Nonetheless he picked up the serpent and cradled it to try and warm it. On reaching home he placed the serpent down in front of the warm hearth. Slowly under the watchful eyes of his children the serpent slowly came to life again. One of the children bent down to stroke it but the serpent reared up and drew it's fangs ready to strike the child, so the woodman drew his axe and cut the serpent in two saying
"No gratitude from the wicked"

This seems the most promising one to anmate so far, but I'm concerned with the changing background and how this is achieved in 3DS max.

The man and his two wives

A man had two wives. The older one liked him to look older so she pulled out his dark hairs, whereas the younger one liked him to look younger so she pulled out his grey hairs..............
Consequently the man soon found himself bald.

"give in to everyone and you will lose out yourself"

I like the sound of this one, but I imagine the hair would be difficult to animate.

Aesop's Fables

I guess the previous semsester's animal modelling may actually come in useful here. However the difficulty may come in making an ancient story understandable to today's audience, considering some of the original moral meanings may be construed differently today.