I started on the head first by creating a cube converting to edit poly and manipulating the vertices to make the basic shape. Collapse tool used on excess edges to simplify shape. The ear was created from another cube and beveled inwards, this was then attached to the head. The polygon around the eye socket was then inset and beveled inwards and a sphere attached for the eye - this was created on the same side as the ear. The side of the head without the extra features was selected by polygons and deleted. The outside edge was then selected and levelled using the scale tool, followed by the symmetry modifier. The neck/body was started by creating another cube and modifying to ensure all vertices could be mapped onto the head, unwanted polygons were deleted then weld tool was used to attach vertices between head and neck area. Neck area edited into basic shape. Symmetry modifier used again to give a more balanced look to both sides when editing.