Monday, 24 May 2010

That's all folks

And they're off....

turbosmoothed hare

Various views of the hare with turbosmooth applied and diffuse materials.

that's better

I didn't think the hare looked right with just rear wheels so I removed the fore legs and replaced them with wheels as well. By using sub-object mode I then applied different diffuse material to the various parts of the hare and wheels.

A speedy recovery

I decided to make the hare into a child's pull along toy by adding wheels.The wheel was created from a cylinder with the polygons between the spokes deleted and the edges from both sides of the cylinder re-connected using the bridge tool. The central area was extruded to create the hub and wheel socket. The outer rim of the wheel (tyre) was inset to give a more rounded look.

patterned shell

A shell pattern was opened in photoshop and photocopied to bring out the main detail. The image was then cleaned up to leave clear black lines on a white backdrop (below). This image was then used as a bump map material using the UVW map to apply it to the shell. The pattern works great from the top view, but I couldn't quite get it to line up from the side view.

The texture below was used as a bump map material on the tortoise' body.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

What fun this has been! I discovered the tortoise had a huge whole in his head, so I spent the best part of time trying to fix it. I then took the 3 front polygons at the base of each leg and applied the extrude tool to create toes. When that was fixed I deleted half of the shell and used symmetry modifier. The same was then done to the tortoise' body and turbosmooth modifier applied